Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Big, Fat...

I'm just getting over an end of the year flu, the 24 hour variety. Always a good reminder for how fragile life is. I'm lucky right now and physically feel good 99.9% of my days. I usually can't imagine life not being healthy, that is until I'm not. Funny huh? On top of that, it's New Year's Eve, another notorious time for reflection.

I decided not to do any long term resolutions, just practice a few disciplines like one might during Lent. I can't say this idea is original, it's actually my version of something two of my brothers have been doing for years. They both give up alcohol during January as a cleansing and checkpoint... discipline. Since I hardly ever drink alcohol, I decided that I was going to stop drinking soda, eating french fries and eating sweet snacks. That's right, I said sweet snacks. For 38 years of my life I really didn't like or give a second thought about eating cookies or sweets and then I did. Fuxinating.

I started about a week ago and so far so good. I definitely felt a sugar withdrawal and was starving for something sweet. So, so weird/crazy/cool how your body acts (read 'Body and Soul Regulations'). But I think I'm over it and enjoying feeling a sense of ownership over a part my physical self and accomplishment over setting a goal and sticking to it. Oddly enough, these little wins make a huge difference.

Ah-ha, there it is, my big fat New Year's resolution is to do this just a little more: set small goals that have a purpose and do it. I welcome ideas or more so your success stories. God knows we all can use enCOuRagEment. Happy 2013, here's to a year we are all awake enough to see more Beauty In The Everyday and when we do, BITE life!

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