Thursday, October 30, 2014

Limitless Potential

I met with a strong, honest, driven female today to talk shop.  I’ve only met a few women like her in my life let alone spent time being able to help build into one.  You see, she is in from the generation of women who grew up with an internal belief that they have limitless potential and opportunities because they are girl.  Imagine that mental jet fuel – LIMITLESS POTENTIAL.

We agreed to hone in on defining how this rare bird is distinct in her own right.  There are a few things we know, some things we will discover along the way, other things we need to dig into and of course, more we will find later.  This is not a race, there is no start or finish, only a willingness to participate.  She is going to start by defining what it means to be a woman.  This will be a good first challenge so my advice was to be honest, curious, and don’t squelch thoughts or ideas as the enter your stream of consciousness – just write it down.

How many of you have the courage to not only face your self in the mirror but call it out?  Scary shit.  Takes a strong, courageous type – the kind who will most certainly change the world they live in and most likely others worlds too.  Thank you for letting me walk with you on this journey.  I’m excited to see how high the sky is for you.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The magical DISC

I just spent a good hour with a strong "D" talking about where work and play intersect within a business. Shockingly we both agree on where that is considering I'm a strong "I". You see, a strong "D" is wired to place emphasis on accomplishing results, the bottom line and is confident... whereas a strong "I" places emphasis on influencing / persuading others, openness and relationships.

So how can this alignment be possible?

This "D" has a slight mutation in his D-NA, he demands an open mindedness of himself to be a counter balance to his decisive nature. This is some seriously hard shit to do for a strong "D". AND, the "I" has learned and accepted that a strong "D" is imperative to long-term sustainable growth of a culture that plays. Chaos ensues if we only live in the "what if" and "can we" without the "did we".

Individually they are both a strong "ME", together they are a strong "WE". Add in a strong "S" and "C" who lean against their tendencies and align with this philosophy and the magic will really take hold. Funny how simple it can sound and yet rare it is in real life. I'm learning so much right now about the real role of the leader - whether they are a strong "D", "I", "S" or "C". They need to live in a place of awareness that sees the picture in a different light and ensures the team is balanced in bottom line results, optimism and wonder, cooperation and stability, quality and accuracy. If they can't, don't or won't - the organization will tend towards the characteristics of the leader.

Do you know any leaders who are willing and demanding that the organization to be less like themselves? Do you know any leaders who actually give others control to do so? Do you any leaders who accept who they are and aren't?

I never saw this blind spot in my leadership until I was "forced" to take a step back / out. Thank you for this time and opportunity to learn.