Friday, December 18, 2009

Rough Stuff

My son is all boy. A special treat for him is playing rough since we are constantly trying to teach him not to be rough or hit others. Almost every night when I come home from work he will say, "I was a good boy today Dad, we get to play rough stuff."

When he actually was a good boy and gets to do play rough with me - O.M.G. he is happier then a tree frog in May. He laughs the whole time and sweats like none other so I let him take off his shirt which leads to him wanting to take off his pants too.

Lily joins in to a degree which is actually really good for her "rule following mind", but she is definitely more interested in controlling the flow of play. "Daddy, lets imagine that I'm the princess and you are the Monster and Miles is my prince." All the while I'm throwing pillows at the both of them, Miles laughing uncontrollably, Lily pleading to stop and listen. My rules during rough stuff - no rules - so you can imagine for my son that is heaven and for my daughter, well it's learning time.

Come to think of it, rough stuff is my sweet spot too because seeing my son so happy, so alive, so full of joy - it just does it for me.

BITE life

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