Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Days like today are proving my OPUS Project hypothesis right...

Being creative is magic but not magical. It isn't just for the artists, musicians, or poets. It is a skill all of our brains have but rarely use because it isn't considered "useful" in most business jobs. I'm discovering that the process of writing, when you typically engage the "useful" conscious self monitoring part of the brain, and then discussing those thoughts can activate the autobiographical self expressive part of your brain resulting the convergence of what you know to be true to the why you believe it to be true... MAGIC.

Today me and GG sketched out what we had learned at our last meeting. We looked at the white board and both started to see the melody line. Busy, busy, busy... there literally is NO COMMA's in her life. She can't sit still, feels guilty sitting still, doesn't like to sit still. Wants more but doesn't know what more is.

I was at a loss and didn't know how to move forward so I asked someone for advice / input. I asked someone who has an innate ability to consume endless amounts of both qualitative and quantitative data then make sound, decisive decisions. Someone with high emotional intelligence and good intuition.

I asked GG to write a letter to herself.

The request struck a nerve - ugh, there is pain here. As she sat and thought about this task, her brain started to do it's think and connect the dots between some experiences in her past where pain was managed by "busy-ness". When I tell people discovering your OPUS is going to be tough, this is the shit I'm talking about. This is also the shit most people run away from, most people turn up their "conscious self monitoring" to avoid the pain of self expression. I don't think GG will because she wants more.

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