Tuesday, November 4, 2014

GG, Honesty and Bravery...

Today, me and GG (girly girl) met to discuss the homework she had... "define what it means to be a woman". Much to my chagrin GG started the meeting off with a barrage of information generally regarding this task. High performers do this AND so do people who want to avoid something - funny huh. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and listened intently on what she wanted me to hear. At one point, she called special attention to a quote she wrote about herself...

"Being honest allows me to be brave and being brave allows me to be honest."

HONESTY is a big deal to this chica. Honesty in the literal sense and in a much broader / more personal / more purposeful sense. Honesty for GG is about telling someone the things others won't... honesty is about being direct with someone and not giving them bull shit... honesty is about being forthcoming so that good things come out of it.

BRAVERY, by definition is courageous behavior or character. Courage comes from the latin word COR which denotes the "heart" as the seat of feelings. In other words, courage is the ability to {{{fill in the blank}}} with your whole heart without conceding to fear, pain, judgement, criticism.

So for GG, delivering truth in love to help others allows her to live with her whole heart and living with her whole heart allows her to deliver truth in love. Powerful shit!

So what makes this brave truth teller unique, special, better than most? She's a woman. She has a heighten sense of emotional intelligence, able to see multiple perspectives, can take into account the feelings and emotional state of her audience.  Can you think of any other characteristics you would want in a person who is providing you with honest, candid, forthcoming feedback?

We didn't get many things written down regarding the task of "defining what it means to be a woman", but we did get ONE very powerful statement about GG crystal clear. Here it is, don't miss it, it's HUGE:

"Being honest allows me to be brave and being brave allows me to be honest. Being a woman enhances my ability to do both."

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