Tuesday, November 11, 2014

GG hates comma's

"You must hate comma's" was a phrase told to GG by her dearest love who kindly read and edited some of her writing. This immediately struck me like a big truth, GG missed the melody line. In grammar, a comma is mainly used to separate parts of a sentence such as clauses or items in lists. AND it almost always represents a pause when reading.

GG hates comma's - translation - GG hates pauses. TRUTH! You see GG is thinker about anything and everything, loves information, loves progress, loves making decisions and getting shit done. We discovered her dearest love requires comma's - this is good - they will balance each other out.

One of GG's Unique Skills lies in her ability to consume endless amounts of both qualitative and quantitative data then make sound, decisive decisions. She's a smarty pants with high emotional intelligence and good intuition - this will take her far. It's why she "chose" her current job over another - something inside told her - now we know what that something is.

It's been there all along, even written in all of the assessments and feedback she pursues. But today, we really discovered it, called it out, owned it so that she can understand leverage the glory of this Unique Skill!

Freakin' magic.

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